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Writer: John Michael CooperJohn Michael Cooper

Updated: Jul 25, 2020

after the Credo of W.E.B. Du Bois

This summer, Alexandra Juhasz invited me to contribute to her exciting podcast We Need Gentle Truths for Now.

The result was a collaborative reading of the Credo of W.E.B. Du Bois -- one of the seminal texts of the twentieth century's movements for racial justice and one that, despite being more than a century old, remains very much a text for now. I put up a call to essentially random friends and allies on Facebook, inviting them also to invite their own friends to contribute. In the end, a total of thirty-six readers representing four native languages and seven decades, ages six to eighty-one, contributed -- a collective effort to bring Du Bois's prose-poem into today's world, a world that very much needs to hear it.

There are three ways to access our production. The crowdsourced reading is the same in all, but the delivery format and surrounding content differ, as does the length.

(1) Here is a YouTube video consisting of the reading only: 

(2) Here is the podcast episode, consisting of introduction and afterword by Alex Juhasz, the reading, and a very brief note on the project from Yours Truly:  

(3) Here is the podcast episode together with a 12-minute mini-lecture on the text and its historical significance, together with a few words on how this venture came to be: 

-- JMC


Text: Credo (1904/1920)

from the autobiography

Darkwater (1920)


W.E.B. Du Bois (1868-1963)


Adrienne Inglis

Alexis Lemus

Alicia Moore

Amanda Dove

Brigid Roberson

Chris Smith

Er-Gene Kahng

Erin McHugh

Grace Sexton

Isabel Tweraser

Jacqueline Cooper

Jason Hoogerhyde

Jessica Bauchum

Jonathan Bellman

Julia Fowler

Julianna Emanski

Katiebeth Brandt

Kimberlyn Montford

Kinley Johnson

Kirsten Chambers

Leslie Nobles

Linda di Fiore

Lois Ferrari

Louise Toppin

Mason Bynes

Melissa Byrnes

Michael Cooper

Nicole Grimes

Olivia Wise

Philippe Bodin

Reiland Rabaka

Rob Elfline

Sara Watson

Shelby Avants

Suzanne Bethel

Terri Johnson

Vicky Unruh


“Some o’ These Days” (trad.)



Florence B. Price

Arranged for the Piano


Lara Downes

from the album Some of These Days

(copyright © 2020 Flipside Music)


Alicia Moore John Michael Cooper Lara Downes


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