A Few of My Courses . . .
(I routinely teach period surveys and other "core" courses on Western music from Classical antiquity through the present, but over the years certain topics have produced some of my favorite courses. Here they are, in reverse chronological order:)
Music and Poetry from the Harlem Renaissance to #BlackLivesMatter (Southwestern University)
Freedom, Movement, and Migration in Musics of the Americas (Southwestern University)
Art and Revolution (First Year Seminar at Southwestern University)
Music and Poetry of the Harlem Renaissance (Southwestern University)
Music of Margaret Bonds and Florence Price (Southwestern University)
The Romantics’ Shakespeare (Southwestern University)
Rhetoric in Music of the Eighteenth and Early Nineteenth Centuries (Southwestern University)
Song Cycles of Franz Schubert and Robert Schumann (Southwestern University and University of North Texas)
The Nine [on Beethoven’s Symphonies] (Southwestern University and University of North Texas)
Richard Wagner’s Prose (University of North Texas)
Intertextuality in Music of the Long Nineteenth Century (University of North Texas)
The Critical Editing of Nineteenth-Century Music (University of North Texas)
Reform and Revolution in Musical Romanticism (University of North Texas)
The Creative Process in Music (University of North Texas)
Felix Mendelssohn Bartholdy and Fanny Hensel (University of North Texas and University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign)
Technology and the Arts in the Twentieth Century (Gateway Colloquium, Illinois Wesleyan University)