"Knowing Margaret Bonds." Public lecture given for LLGTX (Lifelong Learners of Georgetown, Texas), June 3, 2024 (available here).
“Teaching American Classical Music in Color: A Moral Imperative.” Paper presented at It’s Tricky: American Music and Culture, educators’ summer institute hosted by the Lyndon Banes Johnson Presidential Library, Austin, 24 June 2024.
"Margaret Bonds: A Life in Music." Keynote lecture at three-day Margaret Bonds symposium hosted by Queens University (Charlotte, North Carolina), 3 November 2023.
"The Piano Music of Florence Price." Virtual connections given for California State University, Northridge, 10 April 2023. (Available here)
"#BreakingBonds: Margaret Bonds and the Triumph of Belief." Paideia Connections lecture, Southwestern University, 27 October 2022.
“A Ghost No More: On an Award-Winning Song by Margaret Bonds No Longer Lost.” Paper presented at 25th anniversary conference of the African American Art Song Alliance, University of California, Irvine, 15 October 2022.
“‘The Africans, Who Are a Part of My Ancestry, Say . . .’: Voices of Heritage in the CREDO and Spirituals of Margaret Bonds.” Guest lecture for Distinguished Speakers series of University of University of Arizona Fred Fox School of Music. (Available here.)
“‘So sind wir nun Botschafter: Das Gemeingut Mendelssohns und Wagners als Repräsentanten deutscher Kultur in England.” Virtual lecture for conference Mendelssohn und Wagner: Zwei Leitfiguren der Leipziger Musikgeschichte, hosted by the Universität Leipzig, 23 June 2022.
“Freedom, Justice, and Jazz: An American Odyssey.” Virtual lecture for New Horizons International Music Association, 11 May 2022.
"Florence Price, Margaret Bonds, and the ‘Great White Space’ of Classical Music.” Virtual lecture for Music without Borders conference of New Horizons International Music Association, 10 April 2021.
“Hear Her Voice: On the Challenges of ‘Rediscovering’ Florence Price.” Keynote lecture given at 2022 Florence Price Celebration, jointly hosted by University of the Incarnate Word and Texas Lutheran Unversity, 5 February 2022. (Available online here.)
“‘With Love, Devotion to the Negro Race and Humanity . . .’: Margaret Bonds and the Social Work of The Montgomery Variations.” Virtual lecture given for Musicology/Music Theory/Ethnomusicology Colloquium of the University of Iowa, 3 December 2021. Available here.
“‘. . . and I must go farther’: The of Margaret Bonds and W.E.B. Du Bois.” Lecture at the Juilliard School, 16 November 2021.
"Disorderly Inspiration: Hector Berlioz’s Idée fixe, the Clash of Tradition and Modernity, and the Episode in the Life of an Artist."Virtual doctoral seminar for Dr. Kevin Geraldi, University of North Carolina, Greensboro, 10 September 2021.
"Margaret Bonds, Black Feminism, and the Credo of W.E.B. Du Bois.” Virtual presentation for Musicology Lecture Series of University of California, Irvine, 6 May 2021. (Available on YouTube here.)
“Florence Price, Margaret Bonds, and the ‘Great White Space’ of Classical Music.” Virtual lecture for Music without Borders conference of New Horizons International Music Association, 10 April 2021. [Registration information here]
“Black Feminism, Margaret Bonds, and the Credo of W.E.B. Du Bois.” Virtual lecture presented for Royal Irish Academy of Music (Dublin), 24 March 2021. (Available on YouTube)
“The Music of Florence B. Price.” Virtual Workshop for New Horizons Band of Toronto, 15 October 2020.
“Florence B. Price and the Poetics of African American Musical Identity.” Paper presented at national meeting of the American Musicological Society, Boston, Mass., 2 November 2019.
(with pianist Lara Downes)“Nevertheless, She Persisted: The Homecoming of Florence Price.” Public presentation at New England Conservatory of Music, 1 November 2019.
“The Silence of Florence Price.” Public musicology lecture at Trinity University, 2 April 2019.
“Knowing Florence Price.” Presentation for Conversations on Our Scholarly and Creative Work series, coordinated by Julie Sievers, 18 April 2018.
“Discovering the 1834 Revision of Mendelssohn’s ‘Italian’ Symphony.” Guest lecture for Austin Civic Orchestra performance, 4 February 2017.
Mendelssohn’s English Countenance as Reflected in London Publications of His Vocal Chamber Music to ca. 1850.” Paper presented at symposium International Enthusiasms, Anglo-Saxon Attitudes: Conflict, Transfer and Assimilation in London's Musical Life, c. 1800-1850 (King’s College, London) as part of the Music in London, 1800-1851 projected funded by the European Research Commission, 8-9 July 2016.
“Mendelssohn contra Mendelssohn: The Pre-1848 British Editions of Felix Mendelssohn’s Songs, Duets, and Vocal Quartets.” Paper presented at ML75.UNT – A Symposium for the 75th Anniversary of the UNT Music Library, conference hosted by the University of North Texas, 22-23 April 2016.
“Urtext as Empowerment: From Notation to Edition to Performance.” Guest lecture presented at Colorado State University, 4 April 2016.
“Music and Cultural Transfer in the Utopian Community of La Réunion, Texas (1855-58), with a Little-Known Songbook.” Paper presented at national meeting of the American Musicological Society, 14 November 2015. (Expanded and adapted from presentation at AMS regional meeting, below.)
“Music and Cultural Transfer in the Fourierist Community of La Réunion, Texas (1855-58), with a Little-Known Songbook.” Paper given Southwest Chapter meeting of the American Musicological Society (Denton, Texas), 11 April 2015.
“Mendelssohn’s Große Festmusik zum Dürerfest (1828) and the Sacralization of German Musical History.” Paper given at Southwest Chapter meeting of the American Musicological Society, 5 October 2013, and for the Southwestern University German Club, 1 October 2013. (Adapted from invited paper given in Dublin; see below.)
“Tolerance, Acceptance, and Recognition: Goethe’s and Mendelssohn’s ‘Translations’ and the Discourse of Assimilation in the Early Nineteenth Century.” Paper presented for Music Theory and History Colloquium, University of Wisconsin at Whitewater, 27 April 2012.
“Music History as Sermon: Style, Form, and Narrative in Mendelssohn’s ‘Durer Cantata’ (1828).” Paper presented for Guest Lecture Series of Royal Irish Academy of Music, Dublin, 18 April 2012.
“Faust’s Schubert: Schubert’s Faust.” Presentation given at international conference Music in Goethe’s “Faust”: Goethe’s “Faust” in Music, hosted by National University of Ireland, Maynooth, 20-22 April 2012. (Thoroughgoing revision of paper originally presented in 2007.)
“Mendelssohn und Berlioz: Eine verdeckte Verwandtschaft (?).” Paper presented at Felix Mendelssohn Bartholdy: Kompositorisches Werk und künstlerisches Wirken, conference hosted by Leipzig Gewandhaus, 26-30 August 2009.
“‘Zwei Komponisten durch ein gemeinsames Selbst getrennt’: Das Mendelssohn-Bild der amerikanischen und der deutschen Musikwissenschaft im 20. Jahrhundert.” Paper presented at Felix Mendelssohn Bartholdy: Zum 200. Geburtstag, symposium hosted by Hochschule für Musik und Theater Rostock, 30 May 2009.
“Dangerous Youth: Mendelssohn, Mozart, and the Myth of the Eternal Child.” Paper presented at Mendelssohn in Montana, conference hosted by Montana State University, 26-28 March 2009.
“Toward a Structured Series of Written Assignments in the Undergraduate Music-History Curriculum.” Presentation given at Southwest Chapter meeting of the American Musicological Association in San Antonio, Texas, 10 October 2009.
“‘Childhood Recaptured at Will’: Some Thoughts on Mendelssohn, Mozart, and Musical Genius.” President’s Fine Arts Series lecture, Montana State University, 25 March 2009.
Pre-concert lecture for world premiere of orchestral version of Fantasy and Variations on the Gypsy March from Weber’s “Preziosa” by Jonathan Bellman, Kiyoshi Tamagawa, and the Austin Civic Orchestra (cond. Lois Ferrari), 21 March 2009.
“Mendelssohn and the Revival of Bach’s Violin Sonatas and Partitas, BWV 1001 – 1006.” Public lecture presented at Georgetown Festival of the Arts, 6 June 2008.
Pre-concert lecture for performance of Mendelssohn’s St. Paul by Chorus Austin (cond. Kenny Sheppard), 29 March 2008.
“Faust’s Schubert – Schubert’s Faust.” Public lecture presented at Georgetown Festival of the Arts, 6 June 2007 and at Florida State University, 9 October 2007.
Pre-concert lecture for Georgetown Symphony Society, 16 September 2007.
Pre-concert lecture for Georgetown Symphony Society, 6 May 2007.
Pre-concert lecture for performance of revised version of Mendelssohn’s A-major (“Italian”) Symphony by Southwestern University Symphony Orchestra (cond. Lois Ferrari), 18 November 2006.
Pre-concert lecture for performance of Mendelssohn’s Three Motets, Op. 69 by Austin Vocal Arts Ensemble (cond. Kenny Sheppard), 28 October 2006.
Pre-concert lecture for performance by Van Cliburn International Piano Competition finalist Roberto Plano, Georgetown Symphony Society, 22 October 2006.
“Impulse Bachs im Geiste der Gegenwart: Bemerkungen zu einigen wenig bekannten Sätzen zu Mendelssohns Paulus.” Paper presented at “. . . zu groß, zu unerreichbar . . . ”: Bach im Zeitalter des Romantismus, conference hosted by Leipzig Gewandhaus Orchestra, Sebastian-Bach-Haus, Mendelssohn-Haus, and Schumann-Haus, 11-13 November 2005.
“Mendelssohn and Berlioz: Selective Affinities.” Paper presented at Mendelssohn in the Long Nineteenth Century conference, hosted by Trinity College, Dublin, 15-18 July 2005.
“One Aria or Two? Mendelssohn, Metastasio, and Infelice.” Paper presented at Quarto Seminario di Filologia Musicale: Esperienze di Lavoro, sponsored by the Facoltà di Musicologia, Università di Pavia, 19-21 May 2004.
“Performance Preludes”: pre-concert lectures for Dallas Symphony Orchestra, 30 October – 2 November 2003.
“Goethe’s Mendelssohn, Mendelssohn’s Goethe.” Paper presented at meeting of the Dallas Goethe Society, 11 April 2003.
“Berlioz and Mendelssohn: Obscure(d) Affinities.” Paper presented at Berlioz in the Age of French Romanticism, held at the University of North Texas, 11-12 November 2003.
“‘Ever New’: Discoveries and Findings in Recent Research Concerning Felix Mendelssohn Bartholdy.” Paper given at the Juilliard School, 1 February 2002.
(With Lester Brothers and Deanna Bush:) “Charting the Course: Intercultural Directions in the Gateway Introduction to Music at UNT.” Paper presented at International Conference of the College Music Society in Toronto, 1 November 2000.
“Mendelssohn’s Viola Sonata (1824): A Contribution to the Early Compositional Reception of Beethoven’s Late Style.” Paper presented at UNT Theory/History/Ethnomusicology Lecture series, 26 April 2000.
“The Path of a Poor Sinner’s Song: From Hassler to Bach.” Paper presented at UNT Bach Festival, 15 April 2000.
“Metastasio Romanticized: Two Little-Known Concert Arias by Mendelssohn.” Paper presented at Southwest Chapter Meeting of American Musicological Society, 1 April 2000.
“Strauss’s Tableaux: Poesie or Literaturmusik?” Paper presented at UNT Richard Strauss Symposium, 3-4 February 2000.
“The Living Work: Mendelssohn’s Handel, with Special Attention to the Organ Parts for Israel in Egypt.” Paper presented at meeting of Dallas Chapter of the American Guild of Organists, 21 September 1999.
“The Art of Mendelssohnian Song: A Reappraisal of the Songs of Fanny Hensel and Felix Mendelssohn Bartholdy” (paper presented at reception for Claves Records in residence of Swiss Ambassador to The Netherlands, The Hague, 16 September 1999).
“New Mendelssohn Discoveries?” (public lecture sponsored by Claves Records in Thun, Switzerland, 3 June 1999).
“Of Red Roofs and Hunting Horns: Mendelssohn’s Lieder, with an Unpublished Song Cycle (1830).” Paper presented for lecture series of Division of Theory, History, and Ethnomusicology, The University of North Texas, 28 April 1999.
“Could Praetorius Count? A Look at Terpsichore (1612) in Context.” Paper presented at American Musicological Society Southwest Chapter meeting, 10 October 1998, and at American Musicological Society Midwest Chapter meeting, 1 April 1995.
“The Unknown St. Paul: New Light on Mendelssohn’s First Oratorio.” Paper presented at Midwest Chapter Meeting of American Musicological Society, Chicago, 4-5 October 1997.
“The Subject’s Tale: Italy, Italianisms, and Nineteenth-century Musical Semeiotics in the Revised Version of Mendelssohn’s A-major Symphony.” Paper presented at national meeting of American Musicological Society in Baltimore, 28 October-1 November 1996.
“Words without Songs? Of Texts, Titles, and Mendelssohn’s Lieder ohne Worte.” Paper presented at “Musik als Text” conference of Internationale Gesellschaft für Musikforschung, Freiburg im Breisgau, September 1993.
“Felix Mendelssohn’s Arrangement of the D-minor ‘Chaconne’: A Case Study in Nineteenth-century Bach Reception.” Paper presented at Southeast Chapter Meeting of the American Musicological Society, March 1992.
“The Well-Tempered Timpanist: A Neglected Member of the Eighteenth-century Continuo Group.” Paper presented at Georgia State University and Florida State University, March 1991.
“The Heroic Musical Art of Playing the Timpani: J.E. Altenburg and the Realization of Baroque Timpani Parts.” Paper presented at Georgia State University and Southern Meeting of College Music Society, March 1989.